Creative Specifications
Table of Contents
Specifications by Creative Type .............................................................................................. 1
Display .......................................................................................................................... 1
General Recommendations .................................................................................... 1
Supported Display Ad Sizes ................................................................................... 2
DOOH ........................................................................................................................... 7
Broadsign .............................................................................................................. 7
Ströer ................................................................................................................... 8
SSP1 .................................................................................................................... 8
Hivestack .............................................................................................................. 8
Expandables ................................................................................................................. 9
Recommended Optimal Ad Sizes and Expansion Directions ................................... 10
App-Install Ads ............................................................................................................ 10
HTML5 ........................................................................................................................ 12
File Sizes ............................................................................................................ 12
File Packaging ..................................................................................................... 13
Click Tag Parameters ........................................................................................... 14
Audio .......................................................................................................................... 15
Publisher-Specific Specifications .......................................................................... 15
Companion Banner Specifications ........................................................................ 17
Audio Creatives Best Practices ............................................................................. 17
CTV ............................................................................................................................ 18
General Requirements and Guidelines .................................................................. 18
Publisher-Specific CTV Creative Specifications ..................................................... 19
Media File Requirements ...................................................................................... 19
Troubleshooting and Go-Live Check ..................................................................... 20
CTV Creatives Best Practices ............................................................................... 22
Mobile Rich Media ....................................................................................................... 22
Generating MRAID Tags ...................................................................................... 23
Caveats to Using MRAID Creatives ....................................................................... 23
Mobile ......................................................................................................................... 24
Video .......................................................................................................................... 24
By Channel ......................................................................................................... 25
By Resolution ...................................................................................................... 26
Video Creatives Hosted by The Trade Desk .......................................................... 26
Third-Party Hosted Video ..................................................................................... 28
Vertical Video ...................................................................................................... 29
Video Guidelines for the United Kingdom .............................................................. 31
Native ......................................................................................................................... 31
The Trade Desk Guidelines .................................................................................. 32
Guidelines by SSP ............................................................................................... 34
Creative Specifications
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023
Specifications by Creative Type
To ensure that your creative works properly and is accepted by supply-side platforms
(SSPs), make sure your creative meets the following creative specifications based on its
Specifications for Display Creatives
Display ads can include any of the following creative types:
Image files
Third-party HTML or JavaScript ad tags (from supported ad servers)
HTML5 creatives (through third-party ad servers or hosted by The Trade Desk)
When using the PG Publisher-Hosted Creative Solution, you must upload a 1x2 fully
transparent static PNG creative pixel.
The following sections list general and optimal recommendations as well as ad size specifications that
apply to display ads in The Trade Desk platform.
General Recommendations
Scale across multiple inventory sources using the following display creative recommendations.
While the following requirements enable you to serve across most inventory sources,
specifications may still vary by publisher and SSP.
Requirement Description
File type GIF, JPEG, or PNG
File size 150 KB or smaller (for both first-party ads and third-party ads)
Images Creative images must be clear, recognizable, and relevant and must occupy the
entire space of the image size you've chosen.
According to the Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) guidelines, in the
United Kingdom, display ads with static or animated ad messages
or images must not take up more than 20% of the video player or
appear in the middle third of the video player.
Text Text appearing in the ad must be legible.
Creative Specifications Specifications by Creative Type
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 1 of 34
Requirement Description
Orientation Creatives cannot appear sideways or upside down.
Segmentation Creatives cannot be segmented, contain multiple copies of themselves within the
ad, or otherwise appear to be more than one ad.
Creatives with partially black or white backgrounds must include a visible border of
a contrasting color to the majority background color of the ad.
Click action When the user clicks a creative, it must open a new page.
Animation lim-
Animated ads are restricted to a maximum of 15 seconds of looping, after which
they must remain static.
In-banner Video ads must include play, pause, mute, and unmute controls.
No length limit, but must navigate to a landing page upon completion.
Auto-start vid-
A 15-second limit applies, with no audio heard unless initiated by mouse-over;
should be backstopped by static 300x250 that clicks through to landing page.
Supported Display Ad Sizes
The Trade Desk supports the following display ad sizes.
Available inventory varies widely by ad exchange and region, so all supported formats
may not be available in every case. If you have questions about ad sizes available in
your region, contact your Account Manager.
Top Display
The following table lists the supported (optimal) top-display sizes for display creatives.
Type Size
Wide skyscraper 160x600
Medium rectangle 300x250
Leaderboard 728x90
Half-page ad 300x600
Top Mobile
The following table lists the supported (optimal) top-display sizes for display creatives.
Creative Specifications Display
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Type Size
Tablet Interstitial Landscape 1024x768
Tablet Interstitial Portrait 768x1024
Large rectangle 336x280
Mobile Leaderboard 300x50, 320x50
The following table lists the supported GumGum sizes for display creatives and indicates which are
considered optimal.
Type Size Opti-
GumGum display 160x600 6x6
GumGum display 728x90 7x7
GumGum display 300x250 8x8
GumGum display 320x50 9x9
GumGum in-image ad unit
10x10 Optimal
GumGum broadway ad
11x11 Optimal
GumGum in-image anima-
ted ad unit
12x12 Optimal
GumGum in-image ad unit 13x13 Optimal
GumGum pencil ad unit 14x14 Optimal
GumGum in-image can-
vas ad unit
16x16 Optimal
GumGum in-screen ad
17x17 Optimal
GumGum in-image em-
bedded video ad unit
GumGum in-screen em-
bedded video ad unit
Creative Specifications Display
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 3 of 34
Type Size Opti-
GumGum in-screen half
takeover ad unit
GumGum in-image frame
ad unit
GumGum in-screen frame
ad unit
GumGum in-content video
ad unit
Other Formats
The following table lists other supported (optimal) sizes for display creatives.
Type Size
Custom 1000x90
Custom 1020x250
Vertical banner 120x240
Button 2 120x60
Skyscraper 120x600
Button 1 120x90
Square button 125x125
Button 125x83
Custom 1280x100
Rectangle 180x150
Custom 180x500
Custom 226x850
230x230 square 230x230
Custom 230x600
Half banner 234x60
Creative Specifications Display
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 4 of 34
Type Size
Vertical rectangle 240x400
Square pop-up 250x250
Custom 250x360
3:1 rectangle 300x100
Custom 300x1050
Custom 300x240
Video companion 300x60
Mobile custom 320x160
Custom 320x240
Custom 320x250
Mobile custom 320x320
Custom 320x480
Mobile custom 320x80
Custom 400x400
Custom 440x220
Custom 450x250
Custom 468x400
Full banner 468x60
Custom 480x250
Custom 480x280
Custom 480x320
Custom 480x80
Custom 519x225
Custom 544x225
Creative Specifications Display
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 5 of 34
Type Size
Custom 550x340
Large Banner 551x289
Letvertise custom 555x111, 555x333
600x75 banner 600x75
Custom 640x480
Pop-under 720x300
Custom 720x480
Custom 750x200
Custom 800x250
Micro bar 88x31
Custom 930x180
Huge banner 960x325
Custom 960x60
Custom 970x250
Custom 970x66
Custom 970x90
Custom 975x300
Custom 980x120
Custom 980x150
Custom 980x240
Custom 980x250
Custom 980x400
Custom 980x90
Custom 994x250
Creative Specifications Display
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 6 of 34
Specifications for DOOH Creatives
Digital out of home (DOOH) is the term used for the ad environment made up of (primarily) outdoor
digital ad placements. These include digital billboards and signs in a variety of locations including gas
stations, airports, freeways, the sides of buildings, and so on. To request access, contact your Account
Here's what you need to know about the creative requirements and specifications for DOOH creatives:
To learn about requirements and specifications, work with your Account Manager and SSP or
publisher contact.
Ensure that your creatives meet The Trade Desk Ad Content Guidelines and the guidelines of the
media owners (publishers).
Creatives can be hosted display, hosted video, third-party display, or third-party video. For details,
see Uploading Individual Creatives by Type.
If creatives are not hosted by The Trade Desk, available impression tracking depends on SSP or
publisher support for your particular ad server.
To help achieve reach, consider using the D6 ad format (1080x1920), which is consistently used
across all DOOH SSPs.
The following sections provide information on the specifications for various SSPs. Many specifications
vary by publisher. For more information, contact the publisher directly. Be sure to review specifications
from each media owner for more specific recommendations, because they vary across different screen
See also:
Place Exchange
Broadsign recommends the following specifications for billboard or street-level creatives.
Requirement Description
File format PG or PNG
File size 40 KB (750 KB maximum)
Common ad dimensions by location Billboards: 1400x400, 840x400
Transit centers, street panels: 1080x1920, 1920x1080
Broadsign recommends the following specifications for place-based creatives.
Creative Specifications DOOH
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 7 of 34
Requirement Description
File format
File size
Common ad dimensions by location Train stations: 1280x720
Airports: 720x1280
Doctors' office: 1366x768
Ströer recommends the following specifications.
Requirement Description
File format MP4 (no audio track)
Video length 5 to 30 seconds
Video frame rate 25, 29.97, or 30 frames per second (FPS)
Video encoding H.264
Maximum bit rate 12 mbps
SSP1 recommends the following specifications
Requirement Description
File format MP4
Video resolution 16:9 or 9:16
Hivestack recommends the following specifications.
File format JPG, PNG, BMP, MP4, MOV, WEBM, FLV, AVI, and MPG
Creative Specifications DOOH
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 8 of 34
File size Under 10 MB
Common ad dimensions 1920x1080
Specifications for Expandable Creatives
Expandables are a type of rich-media ad unit that start as normal base-size ads (for example,
300x250), but expand to a larger size when the user interacts with them. Expandables have been
standardized so that they can run on a large number of sites.
Here's an image that shows you how expandable creatives work:
While the following requirements enable you to serve across most inventory sources,
specifications may still vary by publisher and SSP.
Here's what you need to know about expandable creatives:
The Trade Desk does not directly host expandable creatives, so they must be uploaded from
third-party tags.
When uploading an expandable to the platform, you can specify the directions in which you would
like it to expand.
The following directions are supported:
Up and left
Up and right
Creative Specifications Expandables
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 9 of 34
Down and left
Down and right
Diagonal (all directions)
Lightbox (center and brief page takeover while user hovers)
When uploading an expandable creative tag, select the directions in which the creative can ex-
pand. This is an OR statement. For example, by selecting Left and Right, you are asserting that
your expandable has the capability to expand Left or Right depending on the page context. This
would be appropriate for a 160x600 that could potentially appear in a left or right rail. Work closely
with your expandable ad server to understand your ad's capabilities.
Any supported display ad can be declared as an expandable creative, but inventory varies based
on size and direction.
Recommended Optimal Ad Sizes and Expansion Directions
The following table lists the optimal sizes and directions recommended for expandable creatives for
maximum availability.
Original Ad Size Expansion Direction Expanded Ad Size
300x250 Left 500x250
728x90 Down 728x270
160x600 Left 300x600
300x600 Left 560x600
Specifications for App-Install Ads Creatives
App-install ads enable users to install your app directly from your ad.
Creative Specifications App-Install Ads
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 10 of 34
Do not include a Store Name asset type in any app-install ad. Google has a bug that
rejects any ad with a Store Name asset type.
The following table lists The Trade Desk and Google AdX specifications for app-install ads.
Feature Description The Trade Desk
Google AdX
Main image The large main image to be used in the
1200x627, (1.91:1
aspect ratio)
Icon The app icon to be displayed in the ad. 200x200 (1:1 aspect
Logo The advertiser's logo to include in the
ad, either overlaid over the main image
or shown separately from the main im-
200x200 (1:1 aspect
Short title The title or headline for the native ad—
should be optimized for mobile.
25 characters maxi-
25 characters
Long title The title or headline for the native ad—
should be optimized for desktop.
90 characters maxi-
Short de-
Additional text typically displayed be-
low the title—should be optimized for
90 characters maxi-
90 characters
Long de-
Additional text typically displayed be-
low the title—should be optimized for
140 characters maxi-
The name of the advertiser running the
native ad.
25 characters maxi-
25 characters
Call to ac-
Text, such as Learn More or Buy Now,
that likely appears in a button near the
image assets.
15 characters maxi-
15 characters
Price The price of the product being linked to
from the native ad.
15 characters (Optional) 15
Rating The rating of the product—most often,
an app store rating—typically be dis-
played as stars on the native ad.
Between 0 and 5
(Optional) Be-
tween 0 and 5
See also Native.
Creative Specifications App-Install Ads
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 11 of 34
Specifications for HTML5 Creatives
HTML5 creatives are a type of display creative with their own specific recommendations, sourced from
the IAB Display Advertising Guidelines. HTML5 creatives are displayed as a full HTML page in an
Here's what you need to know about HTML5 creatives:
You may not use dynamic or expandable creatives as HTML5 creatives.
Different browsers have different subsets of HTML5 features enabled. Your creative might fail on a
browser if it attempts to use a feature that is not enabled in the browser. It is your responsibility to
ensure that your creative “gracefully degrades" in case the browser it is viewed on doesn’t support
the features it uses.
The IAB recommends adding the dimensions of your creative to your primary HTML document in
a meta tag inside of the <head> section of your document. Here's an example, in which you'd
replace the width and height values with the actual dimensions of your creative:
<meta name="ad.size" content="width=300,height=250"/>
If an ad.size meta tag is not provided in the primary HTML document, you are prompted to enter
dimensions when you submit the creative.
The Trade Desk Hosted HTML5 system requires that you upload a static backup image. This
image is used to display the ad if a user has JavaScript disabled.
Commonly used JavaScript and CSS libraries (such as jQuery) do not need to be included with the
Including image sprites instead of multiple images decreases the number of file requests made by
your creative and increases its performance.
Avoid the use of video tags in HTML5.
Audio tags should play only if a user intentionally starts the audio.
For details on this creative type, see HTML5 For Digital Advertising: Guidance for Ad Designers and
Creative Technologists.
File Sizes
The following table lists the supported file sizes for HTML5 creatives. For additional requirements, see
File Packaging.
Requirement Maximum Specification
Initial load 300 KB (200 KB recommended)
Subload 600 KB
Initial file load count 10 files
Subload file count 100 files
File size 5 MB
Creative Specifications HTML5
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 12 of 34
Requirement Maximum Specification
User-initiated load 2.2 MB (recommended)
File Packaging
You can use one of the following packaging options:
A single HTML file.
All information for serving the creative (with the exception of commonly used JavaScript and CSS
libraries) should be included in the HTML file. The maximum HTML file size is 200 KB.
A single root/main HTML file with supporting images.
A single root/main HTML file with supporting images and additional supporting JS and CSS files.
Here's what you need to know about using compressed (ZIP) files:
All files for displaying the creative (with the exception of commonly used JavaScript and CSS
libraries) should be included in the ZIP file.
The primary HTML file should be located in the root of the ZIP file.
ZIP files must contain no more than 100 files, including at least one HTML file for use as the
initiating file for display. Keep the file count low to minimize browser performance impact.
You can include only HTML, JS, CSS, MP4, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and SVG files in a ZIP file.
When packaging HTML5 creatives, include the asset files, not the folder containing them, in the
ZIP file:
The following table lists the maximum file size requirements for compressed files. See also File Sizes.
Requirement Maximum Size
Automatically-started video Less than 1.1 MB
Any individual file 2.2 MB
Primary HTML file 100 KB
ZIP file compressed Less than 10 MB
Creative Specifications HTML5
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 13 of 34
Requirement Maximum Size
ZIP file uncompressed Less than 12 MB
Click Tag Parameters
A click tag is a parameter used in HTML5 banner ads. The parameter is a variable that defines the
destination URL and is provided in the primary HTML file as a URL parameter.
Here's what you need to know about click tag parameters:
You can customize the name of the URL parameter when uploading or editing the creative.
Click tag names are case-sensitive. Be sure to use uniform capitalization throughout the creative
and any supporting files. For example, clickTag and clickTAG are not interchangeable. The
Trade Desk Platform defaults to clickTAG.
When the user clicks the ad, the creative must direct the user to the correct click tag page in a new
If you want to also use that clickthrough URL in your HTML5 creative, you can configure the
creative to use the backup clickthrough URL as the default clickthrough URL.
To call the clickthrough page through the backup ad image correctly, you must supply a click-
through parameter.
You can use multiple click-through URLs and define different landing pages for different actions.
If you append a URL-escaped landing page to the click tag URL, the platform tracks the click and
redirects the request to the given landing page.
var clickTAG = getParameterByName("clickTAG") +
Use JavaScript to read the parameter from the document location URL and use it to set
up the landing page for your clicks. You can use either all single quotes (') or all double
quotes (") in your code, but you cannot mix them.
Example 1. A Click Tag Parameter Example
The following code block shows one way to retrieve and implement a creative with a clickthrough URL
that has been specified in The Trade Desk platform. In this example, a single image is wrapped with an
anchor tag, which, when clicked, opens a new window with the address stored in the clickTAG URL
parameter of the creative.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function getParameterByName(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(;
return results === null ? "" :
decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
var clickTAG = getParameterByName("clickTAG");
Creative Specifications HTML5
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 14 of 34
<a href=";void(0);">
<img src="clickme.jpg"/>
This function retrieves the clickTAG parameter.
The location where the value for the clickthrough URL should be stored in the
TAG variable.
Specifications for Audio Creatives
The Trade Desk stores audio creatives in a Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) tag or Digital Audio
Ad Serving Template (DAAST) tag. When you upload audio creatives, supported audio file formats are
automatically converted to VAST or DAAST.
While publisher-specific specifications take priority, The Trade Desk generally recommends that audio
creatives meet the following specifications.
Specification General recommendation
Device type Refer to publisher-specific specifications.
File type MP3, M4A, OGG, WAV
File size Refer to publisher-specific specifications.
Spot length 15, 30 or 60 seconds
Bitrate 160 kbps
Hosted MP3 files must have a constant bitrate.
Script word count Refer to publisher-specific specifications.
VAST version (for third-party tags) VAST 2.0 is most widely supported across all audio publishers.
Publisher-Specific Specifications
The following table provides publisher-specific specifications for audio creatives.
Creative Specifications Audio
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 15 of 34
Bitrate Script
Spotify Glob-
ted car,
(vary by
an MP4
in the
500MB Up to
30 sec-
Ideal range:
Min: 192kbps
Up to
US Mobile
ted car
MP3 Max:
15 or
30 sec-
Min: N/A
N/A Up to
N/A 5, 15,
30, or
60 sec-
Min: 128kbps
Max: N/A
N/A Up to
Creative Specifications Audio
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 16 of 34
Companion Banner Specifications
Some audio publishers allow a companion banner that is served alongside the audio ad while it plays.
Here's what you need to know about companion banners:
The publisher may charge an additional fee to serve a companion banner.
Companion banners are separate creatives hosted on The Trade Desk platform.
To append a companion banner to an audio creative in either the Add Creative wizard or on the
audio creative's page, be sure to first add the banner to the platform.
The following table outlines general recommendations as well as publisher-specific specifications. Pub-
lisher-specific specifications take priority.
Publisher File type File size Display size
General recom-
JPEG, PNG Refer to publish-
er-specific speci-
Refer to publisher-specific speci-
Spotify PG Desktop and
Static JPEG
PG Mobile
N/A (video is full
PG Desktop and PMP
DV360 - 301x301, other DSPs -
PG Mobile
N/A (video is full screen)
SXM Media (Pan-
Static JPEG, GIF 100KB 15 or 30 seconds (non-skippa-
iHeart Media JPEG, GIF, PNG,
50KB 5, 15, 30, or 60 seconds
Audio Creatives Best Practices
Here are some best practices for audio creatives:
Make sure your ad length is ideal. For music streaming, the ideal length is 15 or 30 seconds. For
podcasts, longer ads with lengths of more than 35 seconds have been found to drive better results.
Repeat the brand name within the first five seconds. When you say the brand name early and
often, you help the listener remember the brand.
Repeat the call-to-action. Repeating the CTA two times or more helps drive engagement.
State any URLs clearly. Make sure any URLs you mention are easy to read aloud without special
characters like slashes or dashes and be sure to spell it out if needed.
Incorporate sonic branding. Include a sound that listeners can immediately recognize and con-
nect to the brand. This can be the same intro used at the opening of all your ads, a jingle or a
character voice.
Creative Specifications Audio
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 17 of 34
Make sure speech mirrors natural conversation. Use relatable language with a conversational
Focus on one memorable message. Share information clearly and directly and be cautious about
including multiple messages in a single ad.
Avoid crammed or rushed ads. Aim to have a script with 60 to 65 words for a 30 second spot.
Use a deliberate cadence with well-time pauses.
CTV Creative Specifications
Here's what you need to know about Connected TV (CTV) creatives:
CTV creatives can be hosted by The Trade Desk or by a third party, which you decide when
uploading your creatives.
CTV creatives hosted by The Trade Desk are automatically served in an SSL-compliant format.
To reach the most CTV inventory using third-party creatives, include a media file from each spec
CTV devices do not support the ability to click through to a landing page.
When uploading your video creative, you can set up a click-through URL only if you are running
on full-episode player inventory (on desktop or mobile), but not when running exclusively on CTV
device inventory.
Most CTV inventory accepts only the VAST 2.0 standard for VAST bid responses.
The Trade Desk does not upscale, upsample, or stretch uploaded video assets, so be sure to
upload the highest-quality file you have available.
Certain requirements (such as bitrates) vary drastically by publisher. Before submitting a CTV
creative, be sure to refer to individual publisher specifications or work with publishers directly.
Brightline (SpotX) and TripleLift supports interactive video units, and Roku has an in-house team
available to help with these types of CTV creatives.
General Requirements and Guidelines
Regardless of the publisher, all creatives must meet the following requirements:
File format Only MP4 files are allowed for CTV ad placements.
FLV and WebM files are not supported for CTV.
File tags Third-party creatives must be VAST tags only.
VPAID tags are not supported on CTV.
While there is not a specific version of VAST that should be used with CTV
creatives, keep in mind that VAST 3.0 and VAST 4.0 are typically less scalable.
If you're using a standard VAST tag that includes a VPAID component (for
example, as part of an API framework), then this cannot cause any issues for
your CTV creative. A VAST wrapper with VPAID functionality is not the same as
a VPAID wrapper.
Creative Specifications CTV
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Creative file It is a best practice to assign one tag to each creative media asset.
Creative file rotation through one tag is not recommended.
SSL compli-
All creatives must be SSL compliant.
Be sure to share the creative with the publisher before activation. This ensures that
your creative meets their specifications.
CTV creatives running via FreeWheel require publisher verification. Publisher Audit
Status appears on the creative page under Supply Vendor Audit Status for these
Publisher-Specific CTV Creative Specifications
The following are third-party CTV creative specifications:
CBS Interactive
Disney Hulu
Warner HBO Max
Third-Party Vendors
Media File Requirements
Here's what you need to know about media file requirements for CTV creatives:
A constant frame rate is required.
Frame rate is the number of frames played per second (FPS).
No telecine, interlacing, or duplicate frames are allowed.
Telecine refers to footage that has been converted from its native or source rate (for example, 24
frames per second) to broadcast or another rate by inserting a duplicate frame every fourth frame,
or by blending or interlacing every third frame together.
Bitrates vary drastically by publisher. Typically, a minimum of 1200 kbps to 1500 kbps is required.
A bitrate of 1.6 mbps to 3.2 mbps is preferred.
For example, Hulu-hosted videos must have a minimum bitrate of 15,025 kbps.
The maximum file size is determined by multiplying the duration of the media by its bitrate. For
example, 30 seconds x 15,000 kbps = 450 MB or 0.45 GB.
A mezzanine is a compressed video file that is visually indistinguishable from the full-resolution
master exported from your editing program, but significantly smaller in size. It’s not a specific
Creative Specifications CTV
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file type, but rather a description of a general set of parameters used to create a file that looks
great—without the information that’s only useful to a video editor.
The mezzanine file requires a 1920 × 1080 resolution with a video bitrate of at least
15,000 kbps or higher.
For best results, work directly with publishers to understand media file requirements.
Type Mezzanine High-Quality Medium-Quali-
File type MP4 MP4 MP4 MP4
Resolution 1920x1080 1920x1080 1280x720 1280x720
Bitrate range 15,000 kbps to
30,000 kbps
4,000 kbps to
6,500 kbps
1,200 kbps to
3,500 kbps
500 kbps to
1,200 kbps
Maximum file
10 GB N/A N/A N/A
Frame rate (FPS) 23.98 or 29.97 23.98 or 29.97 23.98 or 29.97 23.98 or 29.97
Audio sample
48 kHz 48 kHz 48 kHz 48 kHz
Audio bit
rate minimum
192 kbps 192 kbps 192 kbps 192 kbps
Troubleshooting and Go-Live Check
If your creative does not meet a requirement, a recommendation for how to meet the requirements will
appear in the Cross Channel Verification section of the creative details page. In the following example,
the uploaded creative is not 1080p. You will see a recommendation to upload a 1080p MP4 media type
to maximize the reach for CTV ad groups.
Creative Specifications CTV
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If your CTV ad group includes at least one private contract, an additional creative check called the
Go-Live Check is performed when you turn on or activate your ad group. This check verifies that the ad
group's creative format meets the private contract publisher's requirements.
More information on this topic and other best practices, novel solutions, and trouble-
shooting tips are available in The Trade Desk Edge Academy Trader's Toolkit video
Creative Specifications CTV
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 21 of 34
CTV Creatives Best Practices
Here are some best practices for CTV creatives:
Ensure that the video asset meets the bitrate, duration, and file size or other specifications outlined
in the CTV contract.
Publishers have different bitrate requirements. We recommend enabling multiple
bitrates within your creatives to account for these variations.
Review the publisher's creative specifications and ensure that your video asset is compliant with
what the publisher has outlined.
Use hosted video ads with the highest quality. This helps ensure that you can run via most CTV
Ensure that the loudness of audio averages -24 LKFS.
Run a thorough check of your creative details in your ad group settings before making the ad
group go live.
Ensure that your creative is an MP4 file because other file types are not supported for CTV
Ensure that third-party creatives are Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) tags only. VPAID tags are
not supported for CTV.
Ensure that there is only one tag for each creative media asset as opposed to doing creative file
rotation through one tag.
Ensure that you share the creative with publishers before activation to verify that the creative
meets their specifications.
Specifications for Mobile Rich Media Creatives
Mobile rich media ad interface definitions (MRAID) is an industry standard set by the IAB for rich media
ads running in mobile apps. MRAID provides a common language that allows mobile banner creatives
to perform expansion and other advanced actions across diverse SDK vendors.
The Trade Desk is certified as an ad server with Celtra, Flashtalking, and InMobi. These certifications
mean that The Trade Desk is able to successfully render MRAID creatives on supported inventories.
This also means that The Trade Desk is an available option in both Celtra and InMobi's tag gener-
ation platforms, which automatically fill the ad tags with all applicable The Trade Desk macros for
hassle-free third-party tag creation.
Regardless of the vendor, be sure to select the correct environment when generating
the ad tag. For example, web browser creatives do not work in in-app environments,
because a web browser is for creatives that serve in the mobile web ad environment
and MRAID is specific to in-app creatives.
Here's what you need to know about using MRAID creatives:
The Trade Desk supports versions 1.0 and 2.0 of third-party MRAID creatives.
If you select The Trade Desk as the ad server/DSP, all applicable The Trade Desk macros are
automatically entered into the ad tag.
Creative Specifications Mobile Rich Media
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MRAID tags might render better on some apps than others, depending on whether a publisher has
SDK integrations with MRAID vendors.
While MRAID provides the option for creatives to perform advanced functions (for example, the
ability to "Shake your phone to learn more about this product"), the action might not work on some
To ensure that you serve on the best inventory, set up a private deal for these types of creatives.
For details, contact your Account Manager.
If an MRAID creative is an expandable creative, do not declare it as expandable. If you do, this
prevents the MRAID creative from spending.
The Trade Desk has no visibility into whether an MRAID creative renders correctly and whether a
click is performed and tracked at the intended click action. This is because The Trade Desk does
not have direct SDK integrations with the publishers.
Only MRAID vendors and publishers can provide reporting for these metrics.
See also Mobile.
Generating MRAID Tags
To generate an MRAID tag, provide all the relevant creative assets to each vendor, such as Celtra or
InMobi, including the creative image, click action, and ad environment. The vendor then generates a
unique third-party ad tag for each creative.
Generating an MRAID Tag for Celtra
To generate an MRAID tag, provide all the relevant creative assets to Celtra (including the creative
image, click action, and ad environment). Celtra will then provide a link to generate an MRAID ad tag
that can be entered into The Trade Desk's platform as a third-party ad tag.
After the correct environment, ad server, and click tracking options are selected, all applicable The
Trade Desk macros will be automatically entered into the ad tag. Simply copy and paste and upload it
as a third-party tag in the Trade Desk platform.
Generating an MRAID Tag for InMobi
To generate an MRAID tag, provide all the relevant creative assets to InMobi (including creative image,
click action, and ad environment). InMobi will then generate an MRAID ad tag based on the information
Caveats to Using MRAID Creatives
Here are some caveats to using MRAID creatives:
MRAID tags might render better on some apps than others, depending on if a publisher has SDK
integrations with MRAID vendors.
While MRAID provides the option for creatives to perform advanced functions (for example, the
ability to "Shake your phone to learn more about this product"), the action might not work on some
apps. We recommend contacting your The Trade Desk Account Manager and setting up a private
deal for these types of creatives to ensure that you are serving on the best inventory.
If an MRAID creative is an expandable, do not declare it as expandable in the Creatives Library. If
you do, this will prevent the MRAID creative from spending.
The Trade Desk has no visibility into whether or not an MRAID creative renders correctly and
whether or not a click is performed and tracked at the intended click action. This is because The
Trade Desk does not have direct SDK integrations with the publishers. Only MRAID vendors and
the publishers can provide reporting for these metrics.
Creative Specifications Mobile Rich Media
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Specifications for Mobile Creatives
The following mobile creative types are supported for hosted and third-party ad tags.
Static Banner
Banner Size File Type Maximum File Size
Smartphone 300x50
40 KB to 1 MB (depending on the supply vendor)
Tablet 300x250
150 KB to 1 MB (depending on the supply ven-
The following table lists the supported (optimal) top-display sizes for display creatives.
Type Size
Tablet Interstitial Landscape 1024x768
Tablet Interstitial Portrait 768x1024
Large rectangle 336x280
Mobile Leaderboard 300x50, 320x50
See also Mobile Rich Media.
Specifications for Video Creatives
There are different aspects to consider when submitting video creatives in order for them to work prop-
erly and be accepted by supply-side platforms (SSPs). Some of the common errors while submitting
video creatives include using an unsupported file type or a Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) version
that an SSP does not support.
Your video creatives must comply with ad content guidelines and meet the requirements of The Trade
Desk platform and the SSP on which it will be served.
The following sections provide additional information on the video creative specifications.
Creative Specifications Mobile
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 24 of 34
By Channel
Here's what you need to know:
For the greatest scale across mobile, desktop, and CTV, use MP4 files for your video creatives.
If you would like to use a different file format, request additional formats for devices where viewa-
bility is innate (such as CTV devices).
Hosted video creatives are uploaded directly into the platform and served by The Trade Desk.
VAST creatives are standard for in-stream video and specify an XML file.
Video Player-Ad Interface Definition (VPAID) creatives are the common interface between video
players and ad units (commonly used for ad measurement and verification).
Mobile rich media ad interface (MRAID) creatives are part of a software development kit (SDK) for
ads and apps that allow for interaction between a user and a rich media ad.
Mobile Video Desktop Video Connected TV
Accepted across both mobile
web and mobile in-app environ-
Accepted across
the desktop environ-
Accepted across
the CTV environment.
VAST Accepted across both mobile
web and mobile in-app environ-
ments. In mobile in-app envi-
ronments, use VAST instead of
Accepted across
the desktop environ-
Accepted across
the desktop environ-
ment, but you must
have a high-quality MP4
assigned to the tem-
VPAID Accepted across both mobile
web and mobile in-app environ-
ments. In mobile in-app envi-
ronments, use VAST instead of
Accepted across
the desktop environ-
ment, but you must en-
sure that the publish-
er's specific video play-
er accepts VPAID (ei-
ther JavaScript or HTML
formats are recommen-
Not accepted in the
CTV environment.
MRAID Accepted in mobile in-app en-
vironments and only as intersti-
tial ads.
Not accepted in the
desktop environment.
Not accepted in the
CTV environment.
Creative Specifications Video
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By Resolution
Low Resolution Medium Resolution
(Standard Definition)
High Resolution (High Defi-
16:9 as-
pect ratio
360p or less
Greater than 360p, up
to 576p
Typically, 854x480 or
Greater than 576p, up to
Typically, 1280x720 (for
720p) or 1920x1080 (for
4:3 aspect
480p or less
Greater than 480p, up
to 576p
Typically, 640x480 or
Not available for high resolu-
Target bi-
500 kbps to 700
700 kbps to 1500 kbps 720p: 1500 kbps to 2500
1080p: 2500 kbps to
3500 kbps
Video Creatives Hosted by The Trade Desk
Here's what you need to know about video creatives hosted by The Trade Desk:
After you upload a video creative, The Trade Desk automatically creates VAST 2.0 or VAST 3.0 bid
responses containing your video asset encoded as MP4, WEBM, and FLV media types in various
ad formats and bitrates for serving across the greatest scale of video placements (desktop, mobile
web, and in-app).
The Trade Desk does not upscale, upsample, or stretch uploaded video assets, so be sure to
upload the highest-quality file you have available.
When you upload your hosted video creative, you also have the option to add third-party tracking
pixels to track various events that occur when an impression is served.
The Trade Desk supports the ability to track video viewability on first-party hosted video creatives
through Moat, IAS, and DoubleVerify. With integrated reporting enabled, you do not need to add a
VPAID asset or have your VAST wrapped by the third-party viewability vendor.
The Trade Desk supports first-party video creatives that meet the following specifications.
File types MP4, FLV, WEBM, MOV, MPG, MPEG
When submitting WEBM assets, to avoid encoding errors, make
sure your video codec is VP8.
Creative Specifications Video
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File size 200 MB (recommended maximum)
Ad formats 16:9: 640x360 (minimum); 1920x1080 (recommended)
4:3: 480x360 (minimum); 640x480 (recommended)
Bitrate Greater than or equal to 2500 kbps. Lower quality is supported, but not recommen-
ded due to limited demand.
Companion Banner Specifications
The following table lists the companion banner specifications.
To append a companion banner to a video creative in either the Add Creative wizard or
on the video creative's page, be sure to first add the banner to the platform.
File types JPG, GIF, PNG
Ad formats Listed in order of popularity:
Creative Specifications Video
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 27 of 34
Minimum: 5 seconds or longer
Maximum: 300 seconds (5 minutes) or shorter
Bid requests usually fall into standard buckets (5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds,
60 seconds, and so on) of maximum duration (or minimum duration). It is possible for
any video length to be sent to fulfill the request as long as it falls below that maximum
duration (and above the minimum duration, if provided).
For example, a 25-second ad could be sent to fulfill a request with a maximum
duration of 30 seconds, or a 6-second ad could be sent for 15 seconds. The player
adapts to a shorter video length than the maximum duration, so there is no dead
space between the end of the ad and the beginning of the publisher's video content.
Third-Party Hosted Video Creatives
Here's what you need to know about third-party video creatives:
The Trade Desk requires at least one of the following media types for third-party VAST: MP4, FLV,
VPAID 1.0, or VPAID 2.0 Flash.
When uploading third-party VAST, be sure to include MP4, WEBM, and FLV media assets in
addition to any required VPAID assets.
This provides access to the largest video inventory scale, as publishers and video players in
different environments (desktop, mobile web, and in-app) require specific video media types to
render the video ad.
If your third-party VAST contains only a VPAID 1.0 media asset, scale is limited to bid requests that
support VPAID 1.0. See also Media and Inventory Types.
VPAID support varies by publisher and SSP. Not all video bid requests support VPAID assets.
The following table lists specifications for third-party video creatives.
Requirement Description
VAST specifica-
VAST 2.0
VAST 2.0 with VPAID 2.0 JS
VAST 3.0
Creative Specifications Video
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Requirement Description
Media types MP4
When submitting WEBM assets, to avoid encoding errors, make
sure your video codec is VP8.
Video length (du-
Minimum: 5 seconds or longer
Maximum: 300 seconds (5 minutes) or shorter
Media and Inventory Types
The following table summarizes supported media types across various inventory types.
Inventory Type MP4 Media Asset VPAID 1.0 VPAID 2.0 JS
Desktop video Supported Supported Supported
Mobile web video Supported Not supported Supported
In-app video Supported Not supported Limited inventory
Vertical Video Creatives
The vertical video refers to any video that is served in a vertical orientation (taller than it is wide) rather
than in a horizontal (landscape) orientation.
Creative Specifications Video
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Here's what you need to know about vertical video creatives:
Vertical video is supported for both hosted and third-party creatives.
If you are using a third-party video, ensure that your ad server displays the correct dimensions in
VAST after you have uploaded our video. See also specifications for third-party video creatives.
Vertical video creatives that are correctly encoded and assigned are given the 360x640 ad format.
This is also the format used for vertical video creatives in reporting.
On the Creative Details page, you'll see a vertical preview player rather than the normal 16:9
Any creatives that have been correctly encoded and assigned are eligible to bid on vertical bid
requests (where the player height is greater than the player width).
Creative Specifications Video
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If your creatives are specific to a device type, break each out into a separate ad group so that you
can properly target your desired device types with your device-specific creatives.
Vertical video creatives must meet the same specifications as other video creatives, with a few recom-
mendations listed in the following table.
Requirement Description
Resolution 1080x1920
Aspect ratio 9:16
Minimum height 400 px
Height must be greater than width to classify as a vertical video.
Video Guidelines for the United Kingdom
For short-form video content in the UK, the Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) guidelines state the following:
Pre-roll ad experiences that include one or more ads with a combined view length of over 31
seconds must be skippable within the first six seconds.
Mid-roll ads may not be run.
Display ads with static or animated ad messages and/or images must not take up more than 20%
of the video player or appear in the middle third of the video player.
Specifications for Native Creatives
Native creatives are comprised of assets of multiple types (including images and text). Because of the
diversity of contexts where native ads are displayed, provide multiple assets to ensure that the best one
is picked to match each impression.
Creative Specifications Native
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Here's what you need to know about native creatives:
Third-party JavaScript pixels are currently supported for native creatives except with AdX and
All native providers support third-party image trackers, but only three can be appended to a single
Quality Alliance viewability is supported for native providers where Moat measurement is suppor-
If your ad group is targeting categories, keep in mind that native creatives are not compatible with
Tier 2 and Tier 3 contextual categories. They are compatible only with Tier 1 or custom categories.
All character count limits include spaces and punctuation marks.
For example, the phrase " brings fresh water to thirsty people" contains 39 letters, one
punctuation mark, and six spaces (a total of 46 characters).
For details on viewability measurement for native creatives, see Native Viewability Reporting Availabili-
ty. See also Native Creatives.
The Trade Desk Guidelines
The following table lists The Trade Desk optimal specifications for native creatives.
Creative Specifications Native
Proprietary and Confidential Published on Fri, Dec 8, 2023 Page 32 of 34
Description Specification
Main image The large main image to be used in
the advertisement.
1200x627, (1.91:1 aspect ratio)
The main image must be less than
2000x2000 pixels.
The main image file must be smaller than 2
Main video When included, the creative bids on-
ly on impressions that support vid-
5 minutes (300 seconds) maximum
The main video must have a file size of less
than 2 GB.
For aspect ratio recommen-
dations, see Guidelines by
SSP or work with your SSP.
The most common aspect ra-
tios are 16:9, 4:3, and 1:1.
Icon The app icon or brand logo to be
displayed in the ad.
200x200 (1:1 aspect ratio)
Logo The advertiser's logo to included in
the ad, either overlaid over the main
image or shown separately from the
main image.
200x200 (1:1 aspect ratio)
Short title The title or headline for the native
ad—should be optimized for mobile.
25 characters maximum
Long title The title or headline for the native
ad—should be optimized for desk-
90 characters maximum
Short de-
Additional text typically displayed
below the title—should be optimized
for mobile.
90 characters maximum
Long de-
Additional text typically displayed
below the title—should be optimized
for desktop.
140 characters maximum
The name of the advertiser running
the native ad.
Recommended 25 characters maximum;
otherwise, 100 characters maximum
Call to ac-
Text, such as Learn More or Buy
Now, that likely appears in a button
near the image assets.
15 characters maximum
Creative Specifications Native
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Guidelines by SSP
For maximum reach, follow The Trade Desk guidelines. Individual supplier requirements
have been provided for reference, but you may limit your reach if you use only supplier-
specific formats.
See also the following SSP-specific specifications for native creatives:
Google AdX
Xandr (login required)
Creative Specifications Native
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