Connected TV advertising
market dynamics
November 2020
Report for Ofcom
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
1. Introduction
2. Market size and growth
3. Value chain
4. Market dynamics
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Ofcom commissioned Spark Ninety to conduct a targeted project exploring the
connected TV (CTV) value chain, technology and market dynamics
Spark Ninety are advisors to the media and technology sectors, providing growth and market entry strategy, research, organisational development and due diligence
services. Our clients include major media owners, technology providers, publishers, government, regulators and investors.
Ofcom commissioned Spark Ninety to conduct a targeted project exploring the CTV value chain, technology and market dynamics in the UK - with the main objectives of:
Providing a high-level overview of the UK CTV advertising market
Highlighting key market dynamics relating to global technology companies, but not limited to big tech
Laying the ground for future Ofcom work on CTV advertising by identifying areas for further exploration
The project involved a review of information from public and proprietary sources, and interviews with senior managers at the following stakeholders. Interviews were
conducted off-the-record and the quotes included in this report are anonymised.
Broadcasters: ITV, Channel 4, Sky Media
Ad tech: FreeWheel, SpotX, Smart Adserver, The Trade Desk
Platforms: Roku, a major global platform
Agencies: GroupM, Finecast
The project was small scale, involving 2 weeks of work. Consequently, the findings set out in this report provide a top-level overview of a highly complex market. The
research was conducted in October and November 2020
DISCLAIMER. This report has been produced by Spark Ninety Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 11248585, in accordance with an engagement agreement for
professional services with Ofcom. This report contains information about the connected TV advertising market based on sources believed to be reliable. The information is not advice and should not be treated as
such. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Spark Ninety Limited and its employees do not accept or assume any responsibility or liability in respect of this report, or decisions based on it, to any reader of the
report. Should such readers choose to rely on this report, then they do so at their own risk. Any views or opinions expressed in this report are those of Spark Ninety and may not reflect Ofcom’s views.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
1. Introduction
3. Value chain
4. Market dynamics
2. Market size and growth
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
An increasing proportion of the UK population has an internet connected TV set at
home. There is a range of CTV devices
Sources: (1) Ofcom technology tracker, 2020. Fieldwork conducted from 9th January to 7th March 2020. (2)
Notes: (3) These categories are not mutually exclusive.
63% of people surveyed for Ofcom’s Technology Tracker in Q1 2020 had an
internet-connected TV set at home
There are four main categories of connected TV device: smart TV sets, standalone
streaming devices, connected games consoles, and internet-connected operator
set-top boxes
These categories overlap - a household may have more than one device
connecting a TV set to the internet, or use different devices on different TV sets
The device landscape is relatively fragmented, in Q1 2020:
41% had an internet connected games console
11% had a streaming stick
Data for other categories is not available
Connected TV adoption is forecast to grow over the next few years, from 40.9
million users in 2020 to 44.4 million users in 2025
Categories of connected TV device
Smart TV sets
Streaming devices
Amazon Fire TV
Google Chromecast
Games consoles
Operator set-top boxes
Connected TV penetration and categorisation
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
CTV devices enable three main categories of addressable advertising on TV screens
Notes: (1) Simplification of IAB UK and IAB Europe definitions. (2) Excluding VSP and BVOD services viewed on mobile or desktop devices. (3) Adsmart use a proprietary system of ad delivery - in some cases, addressable ads may be distributed
via broadcast in advance of ad insertion. Excludes AdSmart on OTT services. (4) User interface advertising is an area of innovation and new ad formats are likely to emerge over the next few years. (5) (6)
Taxonomy of addressable advertising on TV screens
CTV advertising
Video sharing platforms (VSPs)
Broadcast TV channels CTV device user interfaces
Addressable ads on broadcast TV Ads on CTV device user interfaces2 31
Broadcaster VOD
Other AVOD
Ad formats
Display (overlays)
Display, video
Generally defined as advertising served in
an internet-delivered video service viewed
on a TV set
Addressable ads that replace broadcast
ads, with ad insertion enabled by a CTV
Emerging category of ads placed in device
user interfaces, such as home screen, EPG,
or search results
YouTube video and display ads
All 4
My5 (2)
SkyAdSmart dynamic ad replacement
(DAR) on broadcast TV - enabled by Sky or
Virgin set-top boxes
Potentially, in the future, DAR on other CTV
devices such as smart TV sets
Samsung First Screen Ads
served on the
smart TV home screen prior to a VOD app
LG Home Launcher Ads
- static banner
ads on LG Smart TV home screen, which
can click to video, a browser or an app
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
From a media trading perspective, CTV advertising is not a well-defined market - it
overlaps both the TV and digital trading environments
Notes: (1) Trading of ad inventory in the CTV user interface (not shown) is likely to form part of the digital trading environment.
Main characteristics of TV and digital video advertising trading
TV buyers in media agencies
Very few other buyers
TV ad
OTT video (BVOD, YouTube) Outstream videoBroadcast TV DAR in broadcast TV Digital display
‘Share of broadcast’ deals
TV parameters e.g. ‘XX% in peak’
c.12 TV trading audiences
Cost per thousand impacts (CPTs)
TV impacts + impressions
Publicly reported
Partially elective schedules
Linear TV BVOD
TV audited separately
AV buyers in media agencies
Long tail of SME buyers
Volume spend agency deals
Digital trading parameters
Data-based audiences
Cost per mille (CPMs)
Sold impressions
Vendor measured
Privately reported
Programmatic trading
Automated ad serving
Video part of digital display
Audited within ‘digital
Trading and
TV trading arena
Digital trading arena
The interaction of agencies (buy side) and media companies (sell side) creates traded markets. Agencies compete for, and retain, advertisers by buying well versus pricing
norms. TV and digital are usually bought separately, by different teams. The emergence of CTV is disrupting existing models, and its status is in contention: is it TV, or
digital, or a new media sector?
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
UK expenditure on addressable ads seen on TV screens was about £515m in 2019,
concentrated on BVOD and YouTube, and is likely to grow strongly
Estimated UK market for addressable advertising on TV screens, 2019 - Indicative
£20m Other AVOD
Device UI
DAR in
broadcast TV
BVOD viewing is growing strongly, with a step-change in 2020, creating an increased supply of ad inventory.
About 70% of UK BVOD viewing is on CTV
Linear TV budgets will be more easily diverted to BVOD as TV+ BVOD measurement and campaign metrics
Increasing programmatic sales capability (e.g. C4’s deal with The Trade Desk
) opens the market non-traditional
TV buyers (e.g. digital)
YouTube likely to grow strongly and increase CTV audiences (currently, the majority of YouTube’s UK audience is
on mobile). CTV may attract more AV ad buyers willing to pay for a premium for the TV format
AVOD is likely to grow strongly from a low base, driven by growing content distribution on services such as
PlutoTV and the probable launch of new services, such as IMDB TV
DAR in broadcast TV will expand via better distribution with Sky AdSmart’s C4 and Virgin Media deals
, and
growth in Sky’s DAR-compatible estate of set-top boxes (e.g. Sky Q, NOW TV)
UI ad market is nascent. Stakeholders see UI ads as a way to reach heavy SVOD viewers who see few video ads.
Attractive to entertainment brands promoting SVOD/TVOD. Limited by lack of format standardisation at present
Source: (1) 2019 expenditure estimates based on Spark Ninety analysis of public sources (e.g. CMA) crossed checked with industry participants. 2024 forecasts are highly indicative estimates based on observations made by industry
stakeholders. (2) (3) Sky AdSmart’s Virgin Media deal was announced in March 2019; 4Sales deal in September 2019. The former is active, the latter isn’t yet (4) 20
July 2020.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
In the long term, CTV advertising is likely to account for the majority of broadcaster
ad revenue - and support a range of new services
Long-term growth prospects for CTV advertising
CTV advertising market drivers
Ad budgets following audiences to CTV services
Media owners focusing on growing CTV audiences
and ad inventories
Growing demand for data-driven targeting
Expansion of the market of CTV buyers to include
digital buyers / SME advertisers
Confluence of innovation, investment, land-grab,
opportunities and FOMO
Long-term outlook
By 2024, we estimate that approximately 20% to
30% of broadcaster ad revenue will be CTV
advertising or DAR on broadcast TV - all delivered
on CTV platforms
In the longer term, most broadcaster advertising
will be addressable ads enabled by CTV platforms
In consequence, CTV ad revenues will be critical to
the health of the commercial PSBs
CTV advertising may also provide revenues for
various new entrant AVOD services, such as
publisher apps
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
CTV advertising is increasingly traded programmatically, part of a migration to
automated data-driven trading of video advertising across platforms
CTV advertising sales methods
Other AVOD
Proprietary buying platform Programmatic guaranteed Programmatic biddableDirect
= main sales methods at present
Notes: (1) Limited to DV360. (2) Only ITV’s Planet V at present. (3) Limited programmatic integrations available at present.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
1. Introduction
4. Market dynamics
2. Market size and growth
3. Value chain
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
The CTV advertising value chain is relatively complex, involving media owners,
buyers, ad tech and gateway platforms
CTV advertising value chain - simplified
Buyers Media owners Gateway platforms
Pay to serve ads
to consumers in
order to
influence brand
(brand ads) or
initiate an action
(response or
Provide media
strategy and
Buy advertising
from supply
sources and
Tech that
supply from
Provide tools to
manage and
campaigns and
to activate
targeting data
Tech used by
content services
to automate the
sale of
Connect content
services to
sources of
demand (DSPs)
Manage ad
inventory, serve
ads and manage
creative tags
Decide which
ads to serve
given bids and
the order book
of direct deals
Sell CTV
advertising (and
TV advertising)
on behalf of
affiliated and/or
content services
Publish content
or facilitate
content sharing
- generally by
providing a CTV
audiences and
generate ad
Distribute and
promote apps
Set the rules for
apps (e.g. ad
formats, ad
Generally tied to
the OS
Smart TV set or
other CTV
device -
software and a
UI - that enables
services and
Generate ad
inventory in the
Software that
supports basic
functions of CTV
May provide
access to ad
enablers such as
device ID or ad
insertion tech
Ad tech
Device / UI
App store
Ad sales houseAd serverMedia agencyAdvertiser
Direct buying platform
Targeting data
VerificationMeasurementAnalytics ID solutions
Ad clearance
Data, analytics and support services
Monetise owned ads and data; share of content service ads in return
for access to audiences or enabling tech
Monetise owned ads
and data
Commission on
third-party sales
Fees for
software usage
Intermediation - take share of media spend
and/or tech fees
Service fees or % of
revenue model:
Analyse audiences exposed to
ads and estimate ad impact
Measure audiences to inform
media planning and settlement
Process and provide data to
enable targeting of audiences
or contexts
Verify whether ads are non-
fraudulent and in brand safe
Match users/households across
different services and
Clear ads against the CAP and
BCAP codes prior to
Notes: (1) DSP = demand-side platform. (2) SSP = supply-side platform. (3) DSPs and SSPs enable programmatic trading. In many cases, CTV ad inventory is sold direct (involving manual orders) or on a direct buying platform. (4) This
segmentation of gateway roles is an evolution of the taxonomy proposed by Mediatique (consumer product, OS, UI) - Mediatique, Connected TV gateways: review of market dynamics, August 2020. (5) Closely related and overlapping
roles. App stores are generally tied to an OS. Device UI may be controlled, to some extent, by the OS provider. (6) Ad targeting may be done using advertiser or publisher first party data and/or third-party data. Data processing may be
enabled by a data management platform (DMP) or other solutions, either standalone or integrated with other ad tech services, such as a DSPs.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
In terms of tech, CTV ad serving involves client (gateway platform) and server based
technologies - and ad serving models differ between services
CTV ad serving and trading (simplified) in three different ad-serving models
Ad serving into VOD
Ad serving into a linear TV OTT stream
Publisher ad server requests
bids and relevant orders
from the publisher SSP
Publisher ad server evaluates
SSP orders and bids, and any
direct orders, selects and
notifies the successful buyer
DSPs evaluate ad inventory
based on data and make a
Advertiser ad server sends ad
creative to device or ad
insertion server
SSP issues a bid request to
demand partners, if biddable
is enabled, and sends
winning bid to the ad server
End user
watches VOD
on an app
(publisher code
running on
device OS)
App / device
plays the ad
and reports ad
delivery to the
ad server
Ad break ends
and CDN
Media content
is streamed via
Ad break is
reached; app
sends a call to
the publisher
ad server
Advertiser ad
server delivers
ad content to
the device/app
End user
watches linear
OTT TV on an
Media content
is streamed via
Ad break is
reached; ad
insertion server
sends call to
the publisher
ad server
Ad insertion
server stitches
together ad
content and
media content
Ad insertion
server sends
content to user
via the CDN
and reports
Ad break ends
and CDN
End user
watches linear
TV on a TV set
Media content
is broadcast via
satellite or
cable to a set-
top box
Ad break is
reached; set-
top box
selects an
addressable ad
to show
Operator ad system selects in
advance ads to show each
user, based on demand and
user profile, and sends
instructions and ad creative
to the set-top box in advance
Operator ad system forecasts
supply and matches to
Buyers submit direct orders
for targeted ads
Set-top box ad
together ad
content and
media content
Set-top box
plays stitched
content to the
user and
reports ad
Ad break ends
and broadcast
TV resumes
Addressable ad serving into broadcast TV
Key: = Client-side process - takes place on a gateway platform. = Ad decisioning and trading process.
Sources: (1) Spark Ninety analysis based on Pixalate (Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI): The hidden driver of ad fraud in Connected TV/OTT) and discussions with industry stakeholders
Notes: (2) Generalised ad serving model. Alternative approaches may be used depending on set-top box capabilities. In the future, smart TV sets could be used to perform ad replacement in the UK.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Gateway platforms control or host certain enabling technologies, with control points
over ad-tech within apps
CTV advertising technology - Key characteristics
DAR in
broadcast TV
Video ad
serving tech
Video advertising uses standards, such as VAST (video ad serving template)
, an IAB
standard for video ad tags
IAB RTB (real-time bidding) standards cover programmatic trading of video ad inventory, as well as other ad formats
Broadcast TV
ad tech
Broadcasters require ad tech to accommodate specific UK requirements, such as Clearcast clock numbers (denote that ads have been cleared) and management of ad placements to
comply with UK regulations
Insertion of ads into linear OTT TV streams requires dynamic ad insertion (DAI) technology
Content services are apps written for a specific OS (analogous to mobile), with ad tech vendor code integrated into apps
There is no cookie equivalent to track users across services
Some smart TVs use automated content recognition (ACR) technology to collect “glass level” viewing data that may be used in advertising
ACR matches the audio and/or video of content viewed on a smart TV screen to a library of content signatures - identifying the programmes and ads viewed on broadcast TV and VOD
Access to
device IDs
Each device/OS has its own IDs which may be used for advertising
Gateway platforms control whether or not these IDs are provided for use in advertising and under what terms
Content service apps run on gateway platform OSs, providing platforms with control over app access to computing resources
Gateway platform app stores set or agree terms for content service apps, including terms relating to advertising and ad tech. They generally review and certify apps before distribution
App-based ecosystem
Ad tech standards established in some areas, but limited in other areas
Gateway platforms control certain enabling technologies
Notes: (1) (2) Internet Advertising Bureau, an industry body. (3)
Replacement of broadcast TV ads with addressable ads requires dynamic ad replacement (DAR) technology that operates on the CTV device
In the UK, Sky AdSmart inserts ads on operator set-top boxes. Alternative technologies are emerging that insert ads on smart TV sets, such as project OAR - a consortium of US
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Ownership of key ad inventory, data and enabling technology is generally split
across different market participants
Notes: (1) This list is not exhaustive. (2) Google owned and operated buying platforms (DV360, Google Ads) provide access to YouTube ad inventory with the exception of advertising on YouTube that is sold directly by content owners under
“carve out” agreements. (3) YouTube supports third-party content creators/media owners that receive a revenue share on advertising on their content sold by YouTube. (4) ITV Hub is available exclusively via direct sales and Planet V, a
buying platform developed by ITV using technology licensed from Amobee. (5) Other UK broadcasters generally contract with one of a range of ad servers and SSPs.
CTV advertising market participants - Examples
John Lewis
Planet V
Google DV360
The Trade Desk
Samsung Ads
Tremor Video
Google Ad
Google Ad
ITV Media
Sky Media
Google Play
Roku Channel
LG Content
Smart Hub
Amazon Fire
Google TV
Apple TV
Android TV
Amazon Fire
XBox One
Media agencyAdvertiser
Enabling technology | DataMain assets Ad inventory at scale | Data Enabling tech | Distribution | Data | UI ads
ModerateMarket concentration High Low
FreeWheel and SpotX are widely adopted by
broadcasters internationally. Google is less widely used
in CTV than the comparable internet display advertising
intermediation market.
Ownership of CTV ad inventory is
currently concentrated amongst a
small number of major broadcasters
and YouTube.
FreeWheel and SpotX are widely adopted by broadcasters
internationally. Google is less widely used in CTV than the
comparable internet display advertising intermediation
Roku TV
Samsung TV
Media owners Gateway platforms
Ad tech
Device / UI
App store
Ad sales houseAd server
Direct buying platform
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Some global technology companies operate at multiple levels of the CTV advertising
value chain, owning gateway platforms, media and ad tech
Notes: (1) In most cases, there is not exclusive vertical integration between the component parts of global technology companies’ operations. For example, Roku Advertising buys ad inventory on Roku TV and third-party SSPs. (2) IMDB TV is
not yet available in the UK, but in October 2020 it was
reported that Amazon was recruiting for a project lead, indicating that a UK launch is planned. (3) NBCU’s streaming service Peacock is not yet available in the UK. (4) The X1 OS is
used on Comcast Xfinity set-top boxes in the US. It is not used on devices available in the UK at present. (5) Google, Amazon and Microsoft also operate in various adjacent markets such` as cloud computing. (6) Various other
technology companies operate more narrowly across the CTV advertising value chain, such as ad tech vendors - The Trade Desk (DSP), SpotX (SSP, ad server), Amobee (DSP, SSP, ad server) - and TV set manufacturers (device/UI).
Global technology company CTV advertising operations
Media owners Gateway platforms
Ad tech
Device / UI
App store
Ad sales houseAd server
Direct buying platform
Apple TViTunes iOS
Google TV
Google Play StoreYouTube
Google Ad
Google Ad
Google Ads
Android TV
Amazon DSP Sizmek
Prime video,
Fire TV stick,
TV set
Amazon Publisher
Fire TV
Roku TV Roku
Roku Channel
Roku OS
FreeWheel FreeWheel Sky Media
Sky and NBCU
SkyQ, NowTV
X1 Entertainment
Samsung DSP Samsung TV Plus
Smart TV
Samsung Smart
Xbox OneXboxMicrosoft Store
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
There are four main global tech companies that operate CTV gateway platforms and
have a clear ambition to grow their CTV ad businesses
Global technology company CTV advertising activities
Sources: (1) Google reported YouTube revenues for the first time in 2020. (2) Interviewees noted that FreeWheel is the most widely adopted ad server among major broadcasters, though Google Ad Manager has been adopted by various
players, such as DAZN. (3)
Forbes - Is Amazon about to takeover online advertising? (4) NextTV - Roku unveils Advanced Ad Platform . (5) Business Telegraph - Inside Samsung’s connected TV ads push in Europe.
Samsung has been actively scaling up its advertising business over the last year, using data as a differentiator - Samsung is reportedly pitching itself to advertisers as having access to a
large source of data and insights from its connected TVs on what and how audiences are watching - using this data for targeting
CTV ads are part of a longer-term vision to monetise data from across the Samsung device ecosystem. “Samsung sells everything, from TVs to smartphones to washing machines. Samsung
Ads is the start of an infrastructure they’re building that will allow them to sell ads across several connected devices in the home.”
Microsoft, Apple and Sony are established at the gateway platform level of the CTV ad value chain, with their respective assets including Microsoft Xbox, a possible Xbox streaming stick,
and the search engine Bing; Apple TV, iTunes and iOS; Sony Playstation and Smart TVs.
However, they do not yet operate CTV ad businesses at scale and have not yet demonstrated a strong interest in growing a connected TV ad business. However, this position could change
- for example M&A of an independent player such as Roku could allow them to rapidly establish themselves in the CTV ad market, acquiring ad inventory and ad tech.
Google has a large and diversified advertising business. In CTV advertising, YouTube has a strong market position, reportedly generating $15bn in global revenue in 2019 from advertising
of which CTV is a part. Google also provides comprehensive ad tech, including a DSP, SSP and ad server, but Google ad server and SSP adoption rates are lower among major
broadcasters than publishers in the display advertising market, with FreeWheel ad server used by some major broadcasters
At the gateway platforms layer, many smart TVs use Android TV, and this OS is used by Google TV. Google is well positioned to build out from this footprint.
Although growing rapidly and forecast to reach $10bn in 2020
, advertising revenues represent only a small fraction of total Amazon turnover at present
Amazon’s OTT ad inventory is growing through its Fire TV platform (recently extending into the auto space), its Amazon Publisher Services (APS) network, live sporting events on Prime
Video and the ad-supported streaming video channel IMDb TV. This inventory and Amazon’s ability to power attribution and measurement should enable it to differentiate its offering
and gain traction. Some interviewees expect Amazon to be one of the leading forces in CTV advertising
Amazon also has access to demand from Amazon Marketplace sellers, who may value the integration of a sales and advertising platform, as well as major brands that it can reach via its
buying platform and SSP.
Advertising is one of two main pillars of the Roku platforms business, the other part being subscriptions. Roku also generates revenues from selling boxes and OEM OS, though this activity
essentially drives the main platforms business.
Roku has stated its intention to become the preferred choice of advertisers in the connected TV landscape. “Our goal is to help advertisers and content partners invest for a world where
all TV is streamed,” said Scott Rosenberg, senior VP and GM of Roku’s platform business. “OneView provides the data and scale across the entire TV landscape so marketers can plan, buy
and measure TV advertising and ultimately shift spend to streaming more quickly.”
Other TV set
Most other TV set manufacturers participate mainly as sellers of UI ads (e.g. LG) or sellers of data to aggregators. They are not yet building out ad tech or services. The exception is Vizio
which operates a CTV ad business in the US, but has not developed a footprint in the UK.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
1. Introduction
2. Market size and growth
3. Value chain
4. Market dynamics
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
There are several CTV advertising market dynamics involving gateway platforms and
their competition and cooperation with media owners
Summary of CTV advertising market dynamics
Competition and cooperation between media owners, who control CTV ad inventory at scale, and gateway platforms who provide tech and data to enable advanced
advertising, own growing ad inventory, and wish to grow their ad businesses
1. Gateway platforms, and some media owners, operating vertically integrated walled gardens or partial walled gardens to control monetisation of their ad
inventory and data
2. Gateway platforms setting or negotiating terms with media owners that involve platforms taking a share of ad inventory and/or mandating use of their ad
3. Gateway platforms using data collected on CTV devices and across their wider operations to support their CTV ad businesses
4. Gateway platforms, especially Google and Amazon, developing synergies between their CTV ad businesses and their operations in other areas
5. Gateway platforms limiting use of CTV device IDs for advertising to protect user privacy
6. Gateway platforms leveraging CTV device technology to enable addressable advertising in broadcast TV in return for a revenue share
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
The CTV ad market is structured around propositions that combine ad inventory,
data and, in some cases, a proprietary buying platform
Main CTV advertising propositions in the UK 1. Walled gardens
Sources: Interviews with industry stakeholders. Trade media.
Notes: (1) In some cases, competitors overlay non-exclusive third-party data sources to create targeting segments and/or allow advertisers to activate their first-party data. (2) Refers to YouTube-sold inventory. In some cases, media owners
that distribute content on YouTube have negotiated the right to sell their own inventory, with YouTube backfilling.
Media owner CTV ad inventory Proprietary data
Proprietary buying platform(s)
Google YouTube
Data from multiple Google services e.g. search Google Ads; DV360
Walled gardens - Ad inventory and targeting segments
are available only through proprietary self-serve
buying platforms and/or direct sales
ITV ITV Hub User registration data; viewing data Platform V
Channel 4 All4 User registration data; viewing data -
Open broadcaster/platform propositions - Ad
inventory and targeting segments are available
through direct sales and selected third-party DSP
integrations. Certain custom data services (e.g.
advertiser first-party data activation) may be limited to
direct sales.
Sky Media Sky User registration data; viewing data -
Samsung Samsung TV User data; smart TV usage and viewing data Samsung DSP
Amazon Prime Video User data; device usage and viewing data; shopper data Amazon DSP
Gateway platform partial walled gardens - Ad
inventory is available via direct sales, buying platforms
and selected DSP integrations, but proprietary data
segments are exclusive to direct sales/buying
Roku Roku TV User data; device usage and viewing data Roku Advertising
Others Various apps Varies by service -
Open programmatic market - Long-tail ad inventory
available via various DSPs
Indicative volume of ad inventory: = low, = high.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
In some cases, gateway platforms and broadcasters operate walled gardens -
creating multiple data silos
Development of CTV advertising walled gardens 1. Walled gardens
“Media owners don't want to release their
data directly to the buy side due to data
leakage. So a lot of media owners
[internationally] are buying a DSP, or building a
DSP. And then they say, my data is only
available through my DSP. ”
“There'll be a tipping point where the
money being commanded by the
advertisers and the agencies will demand
that more platforms [DSPs] are involved
for access, which ultimately is going to be
better for everyone.”
Vizio [in the US] is building a very strong advertising
marketplace, a closed environment with some open doors to
integrate with other monetization platforms. They really
want to own the space and the data .... To a certain extent
Samsung seems to be adopting a similar path. Roku is also a
very controlled environment.”
Sources: (1) CMA (2) (3)
YouTube operates a “walled garden” business model in which YouTube ad inventory and Google targeting segments are available only on Google owned and operated
buying platforms (DV360 and GoogleAds)
Roku, Amazon and Samsung have emulated this approach, building or acquiring DSPs that have access to their inventory and data. They also supply ad inventory to
certain third-party DSPs, though some interviewees expect platforms to limit this practice in the future in order to strengthen their own DSPs
ITV has also developed a walled garden - Planet V
, a self-service buying and data management platform based on technology licensed from Amobee. Planet V will
become the exclusive way to buy ITV Hub ad inventory. It offers a range of targeting options including segments based on ITV first-party data augmented with Experian
data, and the ability to match advertiser first-party data. ITV has invited other broadcasters to use the platform
The benefits of a walled garden approach include limiting disintermediation by third-party ad tech vendors, preventing data leakage, and limiting exposure to risk in the
open programmatic advertising ecosystem, such as ad fraud and discrepancies. However, walled gardens limit access to certain demand sources, such as DSPs like
DV360 and The Trade Desk that may reach advertisers who do not have a direct relationship with a walled garden, such as DTC brands. Interviewees were divided over
whether this factor will stimulate walled gardens to open up to third-party DSPs in the future
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Gateway platforms have the ability to set terms and conditions for CTV app ad
monetisation, ad tech, ad content and user tracking
App store terms and conditions 2. Distribution terms
App stores or platforms generally set standard terms and conditions for
apps they distribute, covering ad monetisation, ad tech partners, ad
content, ad IDs and tracking
In many cases, major broadcasters have been able to negotiate
variations from the standard ad terms - as part of wider distribution
deals involving agreement on prominence and other factors
Some platform terms and conditions help to ensure a good user
experience by prohibiting excessive, intrusive or inappropriate
advertising and protecting user privacy
Other terms and conditions relate to commercial arrangements between
gateway platforms and content services, such as the right to sell ad
inventory and to choose third-party ad tech vendors
Aspect Examples of standard terms and conditions
Ad monetisation
The Roku Distribution Agreement requires that channels send 30% of
ad inventory to Roku for which Roku keeps 100% of revenue, or that
Roku sells 100% of inventory with a 60% revenue share to the
Ad tech partners
Amazon Fire TV Ad-Enabled Apps must disclose, upon Amazon’s
request, which third-party ad networks they use and within six
months of Amazon’s request, Fire TV Ad-Enabled Apps must remove
all third-party ad network monetization software and may only access
third-party ad networks through Amazon Publisher Services (Amazon’s
own SSP)
Ad content
LG In-App Advertising Content Guidelines forbid unacceptable ad
content, including a range of categories such as adult content,
gambling, lotteries, and ‘competitor product promotion ads that is
defined by LG internal policy’
Ad IDs / tracking
Amazon’s Advertising ID Policy states that ‘If you collect information
about a user’s behavior to display interest-based ads, or to generate
analytics, you must use the Advertising ID; no other identifier or
tracking method may be used. Users can reset the Advertising ID or
opt out of interest-based ads altogether.’
Sources: (1) Roku Developers - Advertisements, Roku Distribution Agreement (2) Third-party ad networks might include SSPs, DSPs and ad exchanges, though the term
is not defined in the Amazon Fire TV Policies document. (3) Part of LG Smart TV Seller terms and conditions - accessed 6 November 2020. (4) The Advertising ID is a user-
resettable, unique identifier that helps protect the privacy of the user.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Amazon and Roku request a share of third-party CTV app ad inventory to sell - a
practice which is established in the US market
Gateway platform ad monetisation terms 2. Distribution terms
In the US, gateway platforms such as Amazon and Roku commonly take a
share of the ad inventory of services distributed on their platforms. They
sell this inventory enhanced with proprietary data
Even major studio groups share inventory or revenue. In September
2020, NBCU agreed to a revenue share with Roku as part of a distribution
agreement for Peacock, its streaming service
This inventory sharing practice has developed in the US due to:
A precedent of broadcasters providing MVPDs (cable operators) with
avails (a certain number of minutes of advertising per hour) to sell -
third-party aggregation of TV ad inventory is accepted
Roku and Amazon Fire having a relatively high market penetration
(according to interviewees)
The UK market does not have a system of avails and Roku and Amazon
have relatively low market penetration at present
In the UK, Roku default terms require apps to provide 30% of their ad
inventory to Roku. Amazon may also ask for 30% of inventory
However, according to industry interviewees, major UK broadcasters
have not agreed to share inventory under current negotiated distribution
agreements with gateway platforms
Gateway Standard monetisation terms
"Inventory Split" model, whereby the channel sets up its own ad
server and must send 30% of inventory to Roku. Roku retains 100% of
revenue from this inventory
Also option of Roku Sales Representation Program - Roku sells 100%
of inventory with a 60% revenue share to the publisher
Amazon Fire TV Under Amazon’s Inventory Optimization Policy, Fire TV Ad- Enabled
Apps must provide 30% of total advertising impressions in the app to
Apps will not receive payment for the 30% of impressions provided to
Apps directed at children under 13 and apps located outside the US or
with <50,000 monthly viewing hours, and who have not been
contacted directly for inventory by Amazon, are exempt
Amazon reserves the right to enforce the Inventory Optimization
Policy for all Fire TV Ad-Enabled Apps, at a later date, at its sole
Google Play Store Google Play policies do not require apps to share ad inventory with
Sources: (1) (2) Roku Developers - Advertisements, Roku Distribution Agreement
(3) (4)
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
UK broadcasters have resisted sharing ad inventory with gateway platforms, but
some stakeholders expect this situation to evolve
Evolution of gateway platform - broadcaster ad agreements 2. Distribution terms
Current situation: UK broadcasters generally do not share ad inventory with
gateway platforms
Potential future trend: Platforms leverage increased scale to gain the right to
sell third-party ad inventory
“They are the hard negotiating
points… it's not the most
conventional approach for platforms
that more often than not want to
take over the ad sales piece. But
broadcasters have a very strong
position in the UK.”
Broadcaster agreements with gateway platforms are relatively short term -
frequent renewal negotiations provide opportunities for gateway platforms to
change the terms of these agreements
As certain gateway platforms increase market penetration, their bargaining
power will grow
There is a also risk that gateway platforms will mandate certain terms globally,
regardless of local UK market dynamics
“When a Roku or an Amazon comes
in and wants to do some kind of
advertising share deal, I think
broadcasters’ natural reaction is
‘why would we do that? We have
100% control of our inventory and
understand control of our yield and
our data, why would we ever give
that up?’”
“It's a slippery slope, to start
relinquishing control to big tech
platforms that start off with, I don't
know, a 20% share of your
inventory. That suddenly puts a
noose around your neck where that
share can then be increased as
reliance on a platform grows.”
“There will be a reckoning about the
extent to which the very biggest
broadcasters start to change the
terms that they work with for
streaming platforms.”
Major UK broadcasters have generally pushed back on gateway platform
requests to take a share of CTV ad inventory and/or to mandate use of certain
ad tech
This position is supported by current power dynamics: the three main
broadcast sales houses (ITV Media, 4Sales, Sky Media) control a large share of
CTV ad inventory, while CTV gateway platforms are relatively fragmented at
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Gateway platforms collect data on CTV devices and services, and on any services
they operate in adjacent markets
Examples of data collected by selected gateway platforms 3. Data leverage
Sources: (1) (2) (3) Mediatique, Connected TV gateways: review of market dynamics,
August 2020. (4) (5) CMA digital markets Appendix F: The role of data in digital advertising. (6) (7)
Notes: This list of data is not comprehensive.
Google Amazon Roku Samsung
CTV devices
and services
On YouTube, activity, ad, device,
and location
On Chromecast, usage data
On Android TV - Google does not
publish specific privacy policy for
Android TV. The CMA found that
Android collects data on mobile
User information (e.g. name, age,
contact details)
On Fire TV and Fire TV Edition
(smart TV), device usage, such as
navigation of the home screen,
and open, close and duration of
use of third-party apps
On Fire TV Edition devices, use of
live broadcast TV content
User information (e.g. name, age,
contact details)
Device information, IP address
User activity on Roku Channels
and Roku Direct Publisher
On Roku Smart TV sets, content
and ad viewing across live TV and
other services (enabled by ACR)
and TV guide usage
User information (e.g. name, age,
contact details)
Collected information (e.g. IP
address, location)
On opted in smart TV sets,
household-level content and ad
viewing across TV channels and
programmes, commercials,
device usage, set-top boxes and
gaming consoles - using ACR
Other devices
and services
Data from >53 consumer-facing
services and products in the UK,
including user information (e.g.
name, age), user activity (e.g.
search history, Google Pay
transactions), location data when
using Google services
Data from mobile devices running
Data collected from third parties
(e.g. ad data)
User information (e.g. name,
address, age, payment
User shopping activity (e.g.
search history, orders,
User media activity (e.g.
downloading, streaming, viewing)
Interactions with Alexa voice
Information is collected on
mobiles, tablets, home
appliances and online services,
User information
Device information
Location information
Use of services such as apps
and websites
Voice information in the case
of voice control
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Gateway platforms use proprietary data to strengthen their CTV advertising
propositions, though these offers are fragmented in the UK
Use cases for gateway platform proprietary data 3. Data leverage
Notes: (1) We did not see evidence that gateway platforms are currently offering this targeting capability, but ACR data could in theory support it.
ACR data
“The sort of data that Amazon, for
example, knows about a subscriber:
where they live, probably their age,
gender, what they spend every month on
shopping. I'd put that in the highly
valuable bucket, because it's obviously
verified information, it's extremely
accurate, it's got a billing relationship. For
an advertiser that's about as good as it
gets in terms of quality of data.”
“Individually, these platforms offer some
really interesting datasets. The challenge
is, obviously, that they don't scale across
the system.”
“ACR data can be quite useful to target
light, medium, heavy TV viewers or heavy
SVOD viewers. That's interesting... But the
whole space is very poorly audited and
verified... That area has a long way to go
and certainly we haven't seen it really
gain traction with clients for that reason.”
“Part of this market is after exactly the
type of data that the likes of Amazon and
Google have got in spades. That said, the
majority of the appetite right now is for
standard measures of reach frequency,
incremental reach.”
Amazon and Google data
Amazon and Google data enables highly granular behavioural targeting based on verified first-party data
These granular targeting options are attractive to response advertisers and brand advertisers who want to target narrow audiences. In many cases,
these brands currently focus on digital advertising and are new to advertising on TV screens
Other CTV ad providers also offer a degree of granular targeting, supplementing their first-party data with third-party data, and offering advertiser first-
party data matching (e.g. Planet V offers over 400 targeting options)
ACR data provides gateway platforms with household ad exposure data, enabling targeting options such as:
Reach extension - advertisers target CTV ads at households that have not already seen their ads on broadcast TV
Tactical retargeting - advertisers target ads at households who have been exposed to competitor ads
These options may appeal to TV advertisers, though stakeholders noted that ACR data/targeting is fragmented by platform, not independently audited,
and may be limited by low opt-in rates and incomplete ACR ad content libraries
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
There are complementarities between Google and Amazon CTV advertising
businesses and their other areas of activity
Synergies between Google and Amazon CTV advertising and other lines of business 4. Horizontal synergies
Source: (1) CMA digital markets Appendix F: The role of data in digital advertising.
Ad tech
“Google have verticalized all parts of the communications process. From mass reach, not
simultaneous, through retargeting and customized messaging, through personalisation
by narrow attribution-based mechanisms - all powered by a single view of the consumer
because the Google ID operates pretty much universally… That is massively
advantageous in the advertising market, but they still struggle to penetrate the TV
community, on account of the nature of the content and the way in which it is sold”
“We would expect to see a chunk of performance advertisers - Google's
core market in digital platforms and digital video, like YouTube - moving to
the big screen… Data exists to make the impact far more measurable than
it ever has been before. And actually lots of that measurement still runs
through Google's platforms, Google systems, Google's attribution
Other LOBs
Ad tech
Data - Google and Amazon collect data across multiple services and devices, with valuable data categories including
shopping behaviour and search history. They use this data to generate targeting segments (e.g. auto intenders) which can
be activated in CTV media buys. The platforms can also use CTV data, such as service usage or ACR, to add to their overall
view of user behaviour.
Analytics and attribution - Google and Amazon have established analytics and attribution models used in desktop and
mobile environments, where desired actions such as product purchases generally occur. They can link these models to CTV
ad exposure data, allowing CTV advertisers to determine ad impact and effectiveness.
Demand - Google and Amazon have substantial customer bases, including global agencies and a long tail of SME advertisers
that they can cross-sell CTV advertising, though CTV is generally packaged with other forms of OTT video advertising.
Logins - Google and Amazon operate logins on most services, enabling them to track users across services.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Gateway platforms may limit access to or use of device IDs for advertising, which
may create challenges monetising long-tail CTV content
Access to and use of device IDs 5. Device ID
Source: (1) (2) (3)
“Identity is less of a problem for content owners
with scale. If you're big enough and you have
logged in data and managed to collect consent,
then you'll still be good to go. But there is no doubt
that a significant part of the consumption will go to
the long tail of smaller content providers.”
“Whether theses platforms will let the content
provider access a user identity or not, is a very big
issue... the recent change in Apple policy, around
IDFA... There are already providers who are not
sharing any device ID with third parties, though
they probably still leverage it for their own
advertising business. And this can create a huge
distortion in the market.”
“In the UK, loss of device IDs would be minimally
disruptive, just because a lot of those identifiers
have already been stripped out by the broadcasters
with the advent of GDPR. IP addresses and
persistent device IDs have been removed by pretty
much every major broadcaster. So in a way the CTV
marketplace is already primed for a world that
doesn't have a lot of identifiers.
Device IDs are persistent identifiers generated by a particular CTV device and may be used in advertising to identify a user across content services running on the
same device, enabling practices such as audience tracking and targeting, and frequency capping.
Each CTV OS has its own system of IDs, such as IDFA (Apple), RIDA (Roku), Amazon Advertising ID, Google Play Advertising ID.
Access to device IDs for advertising differs and could be limited by gateway platforms. Apple plans to make access to IDFA, its identifier, opt-in only on iOS14
Amazon and Roku allow use of their IDs for advertising, with restrictions.
Interviewees generally believe that potential restriction of access to device IDs will not be a problem for major broadcasters that use logins as identifiers. Smaller-
scale media owners that sell advertising programmatically are more likely to be affected due to aggregation in the programmatic ad ecosystem. However, ID is a
highly complex field and vendors such as LiveRamp
and ID5
are developing solutions that may work in the absence of device ID.
CTV advertising market dynamics | © Spark Ninety 2020
Dynamic ad replacement (DAR) in broadcast TV requires use of gateway platform
technology - for which platforms may negotiate a revenue share
Gateway platforms enabling DAR in return for ad revenue share 6. DAR in broadcast TV
Source: (1)
“In the context of dynamic ad insertion, the operator or the platform, is playing
the DSP role a little bit. And they're playing it particularly well at the moment.
The value proposition that they can bring is enriching your inventory with data
segments - such as Sky Adsmart. Being distributed on our platform not only
gives you more reach, it brings you enhanced media value. Ultimately, then it
becomes a revenue conversation, rather than a revenue share conversation.”
“The hybrid environment [linear broadcast TV + connected TV devices] allows us
to bring addressability to linear live TV, not waiting for users go to OTT. You just
need to have a connected TV in the middle. And this is what really developed
this year. There are a couple of initiatives: project OAR, the consortium, and
Nielsen Advanced Advertising… These initiatives will drive the market forward.”
Replacement of broadcast TV advertising with addressable advertising requires the use of technology on a CTV device (this differs from ad replacement on linear OTT
streams which is done on servers).
In the UK at present, proprietary Sky AdSmart technology enables DAR on certain broadcast TV channels on enabled Sky and Virgin set-top boxes. The gateway
platforms, in this case Sky and Virgin, receive a share of DAR revenue.
In the US, new models of dynamic ad insertion are emerging in which broadcast TV ads are replaced on smart-TV sets. Project OAR
is a consortium of industry
participants, including smart TV manufacturer Vizio, that is developing a standard for dynamic ad insertion on smart TV sets.
In the future, there is the potential for an increasing range of smart TV gatekeeper platforms to enable DAR on their devices. They would need to reach agreement
with broadcasters and other value chain participants over terms such as revenue share.