2021 ·
Nebraska Department of Education education.ne.gov · PTI Nebraska pti-nebraska.org
Special Education
Evaluation Request
This sample letter is intended to provide an example of how to write a letter requesting a special education evaluation for your child. If you use this
sample, remove the yellow highlighted text before sending. Any information highlighted in the [blue brackets] must be personalized with your own
personal information, your child’s information, and your concerns for your child’s educational progress.
[Todays Date]
Dear Educators:
I am the parent of [student name], who is in [grade number] grade at [school name] in the [name of school
district] School District. I am concerned that the reason [student name] is not doing well in school could be
because of a disability and I would like to request that [he/she] be evaluated for special education eligibility.
Please accept this letter as my formal request for and consent to an individual, comprehensive evaluation of
[student name]’s educational and related needs in accordance with the provisions of Rule 51. The evaluation
I am requesting would cover all areas of [student name]s abilities and areas of concern, including [area of
concern 1], [area of concern 2], and [area of concern 3]. It is my understanding that Rule 51 requires you to
begin the evaluation process at my request and begin the 45-day timeline with my written consent.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss any necessary arrangements for conducting the evaluation. If, for
any reason, you deny this request for an evaluation for IDEA eligibility, please provide me with my written
parental notice as Rule 51 also requires.
Thank you for your time and attention.
[Parent Name(s)]
[Parent Address]
[Parent Phone Number]
[Parent Email]
Adapted with permission from askresource.org https://www.askresource.org/lesimages/ASK%20Info%20Sheets/Sample%20Letter%20