Sample Letter: Request for an Initial Evaluation for Special Education
Your Name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
(Daytime telephone number)
Today’s Date
Name of Principal
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear (Name of Principal),
I am writing to request that my son/daughter, (full name), be evaluated for all suspected areas of
disability. I understand that I have to give written permission in order to have (name of child)
tested. This letter should be considered as the written consent to evaluate my child as required
by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and state regulations.
I have been worried lately that he/she is not doing very well in school and that he/she may need
some special help in order to learn. He/she is in the (grade level and name of the teacher) at
(name of the school).
(Write a short paragraph that describes one or two specific reasons for your concern about your
child and the conferences you have had with your child’s teacher.)
Example: Specifically, I am worried because (name of your child) struggles with every reading
assignment. He/she is reading below grade level and this affects all of his/her school work.
I would like to know more about the tests, the testing process, and when my child will be
scheduled for the testing that I am requesting. I would be happy to talk with you or another school
official about my child.
You can send the information to me through the mail or call me at (daytime phone number). The
best times to reach me during the day are (times). I hope to hear from you within the coming
Your full name
cc: Director of Special Education (local school district)